Guardini Stiftung, Berlin 2022

Col­lab­or­a­tions I – An Exhib­i­tion with 61 Artists
Guardini Stif­tung, Askan­is­cher Pl. 4, 10963 Ber­lin

Oliv­er Mark invited 61 artists to work on his pho­tos. Any­thing could be done to them: cut­ting, scratch­ing, twist­ing, fram­ing, past­ing, mount­ing, embroid­er­ing and paint­ing bey­ond recog­ni­tion. The inter­ven­tions were as sur­pris­ing as they were innov­at­ive. The format was vari­able – so was the type of photo paper. Some­times the photo was glossy or matt, some­times on baryta paper, hahnemühle paper or can­vas, etc. It was up to the artists to decide. Two prints were made, with one work remain­ing with each artist.  The exhib­i­tion was made pos­sible with the sup­port of the Arch­diocese of Ber­lin, Fath­er Georg Maria Roers SJ and the Asso­ci­ation Aus­s­tel­lung­shaus für christ­liche Kunst e. V.

Artists: Saâdane AfifMat­thi­as Beck­mannOlivia Ber­ck­e­mey­erEva Ber­endesDaniel BiesoldNorbert BiskyAnina Brisolla – Laura BruceMaria Brun­nerJoanna Buchow­skaAndreas BunteBjörn Dah­lemGior­gio de ChiricoSven-Ole FrahmTine Furl­er – Fran­ziska GoesLen­nart GrauGregor HildebrandtPhilip GrözingerHar­ald Her­mannEllen Mar­tine HeuserBene­dikt Hipp – Chris­ti­an Hois­chen – Shaikh Rashid bin Khal­ifa Al Khal­ifaFlor­in Kom­patscherTimo Kloep­pelClem­ens KraussMichael Kun­zeWolfgang Lug­mairVia Lewan­dowskyBernhard Mar­tinIsa MelsheimerKlaus Moset­tigFrank NitscheAgustin Noguera – Ena Oppen­heimerLea Pagen­kem­perTim Plamper – Man­fred PecklSabine Rein­feldLisa Reit­mei­er – Bene­dikt Rich­ertGerd RohlingMichael Sail­stor­ferKarin Sander – Sophia Schama – Thomas Scheib­itzAline SchwibbeJohanna Sil­ber­mannHeidi SillYas­min Shar­abiSabine Spring­er – Philip Topo­lo­vacChris­toph­er WinterHansa WißkirchenCarsten WirthAngelika ZellerSarah Zel­matiRalf Zier­vo­gelThomas ZitzwitzFilip Zorzor