Ventotene Pictures

Oliv­er Mark’s Vent­otene pic­tures were cre­ated at the invit­a­tion of Yvonne Andreini and Alessio Castagna in the res­id­ency pro­gram IN/SU/LA in June 2024. 

IN/SU/LA is a res­id­ency pro­gram that aims to pro­mote exchanges between European artists with­in a geo­pol­it­ic­al European con­text. 
Each year IN/SU/LA cre­ates new spaces in which par­ti­cipants address issues related to the concept of bor­ders, the idea island and, since the last edi­tion, also artist­ic re-for­mu­la­tion of the theme of land­scape in paint­ing, draw­ing and photography.

These are hand prints on sil­ver gelat­in Fom­ab­rom 112, 180g double weight baryta paper.
All prints have a format of 14.8 × 21 cm, are sel­en­i­um toned and unique.
The works were prin­ted in July 2024 by Oliv­er Mark.